Shenmue 3 Kickstarter Goal Reached in Less Than 24 Hours



Shenmue 3’s Kickstarter reaches its goal of $2 Million and is still gaining support after a reveal at E3.

It’s been nearly 20 years since the original release of Shenmue for the Sega Dreamcast in 1999. Shenmue was a one of a kind game in its time still being a part of many current day lists of “greatest games of all time”. The game in 1999 had a production budget of nearly 50 million dollars which is pretty penny for an old school video game. At E3, the long awaited, Shenmue 3 was finally revealed to fans.

The game is said to launch on the PS4 and PC with a predicted release date in late 2017. During a press conference at E3, game producers began a Kickstarter campaign for the game with a goal of two million dollars. Less than a day after the Kickstarter went live, the hefty goal of two million was easily surpassed. The Kickstarter still has another 30 days in its campaign which means any additional money for the game would provide for add-ons that include subtitles and/or a cinema short for the first two Shenmue games(link to Kickstarter here). Those who have backed the Kickstarter are expected to receive a copy of the finished product in December 2017 for the PS4 or PC.


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